Asynchronous Game Of Life
I had the idea to do an asynchronous Game Of Life in the browser using clojurescript’s core.async. I thought it would be fun if there was no global state, no external time and no datastructures - have the cells be channels just signalling to their neighbours when they transitioned between dead and alive.
Go take a look at it here
I will assume you have seen my other post with resources to learn CSP and core.async
I think the implementation is true to the idea of Asynchronous cellular automata but fear it has bugs as the steady state often settles on something that is not a valid GoL position (in particular I often see clumps of alive cells with too many neighbours, all surviving)
The code is on github, you can play with it in cljsfiddle and see a full page version of it.
As it is only 100 lines I may as well walk through them here.
Fairly uninteresting initialisation, prob is the probability a cell is alive/dead at the beginning. I made width height and cell-size atoms because I reset them all on calling init later.
(def line-colour "#cdcdcd")
(def alive "#666")
(def dead "#eee")
(def width (atom nil))
(def height (atom nil))
(def cell-size (atom nil))
(def canvas (.getElementById js/document "world"))
(def context (.getContext canvas "2d"))
(def prob 0.5)
Standard canvas drawing stuff
(defn fill_sq [x y colour]
(let [cell-size @cell-size]
(set! (.-fillStyle context) colour)
(set! (.-strokeStyle context) line-colour)
(.fillRect context
(* x cell-size)
(* y cell-size)
(.strokeRect context
(* x cell-size)
(* y cell-size)
I thought it neat to have the draw function as a channel too, the timeout here sets the velocity of the simulation via backpressure on the unbuffered channels
(def draw
(let [c (chan)]
(go (loop []
(let [[x y colour] (<! c)]
(<! (timeout 10))
(fill_sq x y colour)
The hardest bit to explain (and probably where the remaining bugs are…)
takes an [x y]
position and returns 2 channels, one for input that neighbours can use to inform it about their alive/dead transitions and one to be told of new neighbours, via passing in their input channel, so it’s a channel of channels :-)
Each cell creates a single go block that listens for new neighbours and state transitions from neighbours on it’s input channels. Whenever something comes from a neighbour (either 1 or -1 to signal it becoming alive or dead) it updates it’s neighbour count, works out if it’s state transitions and tells it’s neighbours if it did and also sends draw
a signal too. It is all kicked off by the alive cells telling their new neighbours they are alive as they connect.
There is an asymmetry in the alive/dead transitions, 3 neighbours
(defn cell [[x y]]
(let [new-neighbour (chan)
input (chan)
neighbours #{}
initial-state (if (< (rand) prob) :alive :dead)]
(if (= initial-state :alive)
(fill_sq x y alive))
(go (loop [neighbour-count 0
state initial-state
neighbours neighbours]
(let [[val chan] (alts! [new-neighbour input])]
(cond (= chan new-neighbour)
(do (if (= state :alive)
(>! val 1))
(recur neighbour-count state (conj neighbours val)))
(let [neighbour-count (+ val neighbour-count)
new-state (if (or (= neighbour-count 3)
(and (= neighbour-count 2) (= state :alive)))
draw? (not= new-state state)
delta (if (= new-state :alive) 1 (- 1))
colour (if (= new-state :alive) alive dead)]
(if draw?
(do (doseq [n neighbours]
(>! n delta))
(>! draw [x y colour])))
(recur neighbour-count new-state neighbours))))))
[input new-neighbour]))
Getting neighbours for a position
(defn neighbours [[x y] grid]
(filter (comp not nil?)
(for [dx [-1 0 1]
dy (if (zero? dx)
[-1 1]
[-1 0 1])]
(let [x' (+ dx x)
y' (+ dy y)]
(get grid [x' y'])))))
This is the loop that kicks everything off (OK I cheat and have a collection here). We loop through the [x y] positions and create a cell (ie an [input new-neighbour] pair) for each and store the result in the cells map. Then we look up the neighbours for each cell and then pass into their new-neighbour channel it’s input channel. This starts our cascade.
(defn draw-loop []
(let [xys (for [x (range @width)
y (range @height)]
[x y])
cells (zipmap xys (map cell xys))]
(doseq [[xy [input _]] cells]
(doseq [[_ nn] (neighbours xy cells)]
(>! nn input))))))
The init function just sets the atoms, grows the canvas to fill the space it is given, draws the empty grid then kicks off draw-loop
(defn ^:export init []
(set! (.-width canvas) (.-clientWidth canvas))
(set! (.-height canvas) (.-clientHeight canvas))
(reset! width 75)
(reset! cell-size (/ (.-clientWidth canvas) @width))
(reset! height (/ (.-clientHeight canvas) @cell-size))
(doseq [y (range @height)
x (range @width)]
(fill_sq x y dead))
Hope you enjoyed it, let me know if I can clear up anything (and if you spot a bug).