Day 300 Update
Well, it is day 300 of my 101 goals in 1001 days. So as per meta-goal 101 “Do 100 day updates” here is a quick report on my progress.
Completed 66 - Via Feratta in Italy 85 - Visit Pergamon Museum 1 - Teetotalitarianism for 3 months 2 - Cheeseless for 3 months 11 -Reread all Dennett books 15 -Proofread for Project Guttenburg 53 - Make Jam 86 - Give Carrie a British Museum Tour 48 - Create a Backblaze storage pod 100 Set success criteria / progression metrics for each goal
Changing 18 - Read epic literature A bit vague (in spite of meta-goal 100) and I have loads of reading goals so im changing it to “Read Joyce”, in particular:
26 -Scuba My ears are bad, I worry this may destroy them, not settled on a replacement goal yet.
Sustained Effort - On Track
19 - Blog on average once a week
50 - Move 10 people to FreeAgent
68 - Complete Pimsleur Spanish
88 - Go to the theatre on average once a month
95 - Pay off all credit cards
96 - Let loans run course and dont get any more
101 - Do 100 day updates
5 - Lose 2 stone
13 - Release 303 books on
76 -Do on average 1 Project Euler problem per week
Sustained Effort - Behind 8 - Read all the VSIs 12 - Read all PG Wodehouse 60 - Hike on average once a month 79 - Raise £5005 for charity 81 - Watch all TTC Art history DVDs 90 - See all world heritage sites in the UK
In Progress 91 - Memorise 10 poems 92 - Read “An Ode Less Travelled”, do the exercises (but not share them!) 72 - Read “Winning Ways” 75 - Watch SICP, do exercises from book