Heml.is Snakeoil
I have been meaning for a while to post about using public key crypto to secure cloud backups on services you can’t trust (ie all of them) but the recent launch of Heml.is made me get nerd-rage the other day and I just have to say something.
To quote them a little:
Open Source
We have all intentions of opening up the source as much as possible for scrutiny and help! What we really want people to understand however, is that Open Source in itself does not guarantee any privacy or safety. It sure helps with transparency, but technology by itself is not enough. The fundamental benefits of Heml.is will be the app together with our infrastructure, which is what really makes the system interesting and secure.
Your server only?
Yes! The way to make the system secure is that we can control the infrastructure. Distributing to other servers makes it impossible to give any guarantees about the security. We’ll have audits from trusted third parties on our platforms regularly, in cooperation with our community.
Technology like public key crypto does not rely on particular servers, that it works on insecure transports is kind of the point (unless they know better than 1000s of mathematicians and security experts over the last 4 decades)
I’m glad to see they use some of the existing work (PGP and XMPP), and good on them for raising 150k to build a pretty messaging app, but until they explain how only their servers can successfully pass around PGP encrypted messages then I’m calling bullshit.
What to do instead?
If you want secure IM encryption now just use libotr with XMPP and be interoperable
Take a look at the brilliant (and superbly named, I so wish I thought of it) Prism Break for more ways to protect yourself from snooping, not as colourful as Heml but ready to install on any operating system, for free, right now.