I had some fun doing it
last year so I thought I
would have a go again. This weekend was the qualifier. You can see the
Square Detector
You want to write an image detection system that is able to
recognise different geometric shapes.
I had the idea to do an asynchronous Game Of Life in the browser using clojurescript’s core.async. I thought it would be fun if there was no global state, no external time and no datastructures - have the cells be channels just signalling to their neighbours
I compiled a list of Communicating Sequential Processes / core.async links for a friend after my Great British Node Conf lightning talk so thought I would share them here too.
Go talks
I still think the best intro to CSP is these talks from Rob Pike
This post is another update to my Lisp In Summer Projects
project. I blogged before
2) about warm-up
exercises but I have not yet explained the goal, I intend writing an
Artificial Life
simulation where the organisms themselves are Lisp programs that
I have been meaning for a while to post about using public key crypto to secure cloud backups on services you can’t trust (ie all of them) but the recent launch of Heml.is made me get nerd-rage the other day and I just have to say something.
To quote
Assuming you are on Debian/Ubuntu, install encfs
# apt-get install encfs
Simply run
to create an encrypted version of a folder
Creating new encrypted volume.